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diagrid subscription create

Create subscription


Create topic subscription targeting a pub/sub component in a project

diagrid subscription create <subscription> [flags]


# Create pub/sub topic subscription
diagrid subscription create my-subscription --component my-pubsub --topic my-topic --route /method --scopes my-appid


  -c, --component string                   [Required]: Name of the target pub/sub component
-t, --topic string [Required]: Name of the topic
-r, --route string [Required]: Route in the app code where messages will be delivered
-s, --scopes strings [Required]: List of App IDs which will subscribe to the topic (must exist in project and have access to pubsub broker)
-b, --bulk Enable bulk subscription
-m, --bulk-max-messages-count int Maximum number of messages to be sent in a single bulk subscription
-a, --bulk-max-await-duration duration Maximum duration to wait for messages to be sent in a single bulk subscription
-p, --project string Name of existing project
-w, --wait Wait for long-running resource creation to finish
-h, --help help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-key string   Diagrid Cloud API key