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diagrid component create

Create component


Create a new infrastructure component to use with the Catalyst APIs in a project

diagrid component create <component> [flags]


# Create new component using the interactive prompt (Recommended)
diagrid component create --prompt

# Create new pub/sub component targeting Redis
diagrid component create my-pubsub --type pubsub.redis --metadata redisHost=https://endpoint --metadata redisPassword=pwd --scopes app1,app2


  -t, --type string            [Required]: Component type supported: pubsub.xxxx , state.xxxx , bindings.xxxx
--metadata stringArray [Required]: Component metadata (e.g. --metadata host=localhost:3300 --metadata apiToken=foo )
--scopes strings Component scopes, list of App IDs which will have access to this component. Leave empty for giving access to all App IDs.
-p, --project string Name of existing project
-w, --wait Wait for long-running resource creation to finish
--prompt Create new component using an interactive prompt (Recommended)
-h, --help help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-key string   Diagrid Cloud API key