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diagrid component update

Update component


Update configuration for a component. Partial updates to metadata or scopes are not supported. If any value is set for metadata or scopes, it will replace any existing values so must be provided in full. If no value is set for metadata or scopes, the existing values will remain unmodified.

diagrid component update <component> [flags]


# Update the metadata for the specified component
diagrid component update mycomponent --project my-project --metadata redisHost=https://endpoint --metadata redisPassword=pwd

# Update the specified component scoping to the app identities "app1" and "app2"
diagrid component update mycomponent --project my-project --scopes app1,app2

# Update the specified component scoping to all app identities
diagrid component update mycomponent --project my-project --scopes "[]"


      --metadata stringArray   Component metadata (e.g. --metadata host=localhost:3300 --metadata apiToken=foo )
--scopes strings Component scopes, comma separated list of App IDs which will have access to this component. Use [] for clearing up scopes and giving access to all App IDs.
-p, --project string Name of existing project
-w, --wait Wait for long-running resource update to finish
-h, --help help for update

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-key string   Diagrid Cloud API key