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Azure Event Hubs


Status: stable



kind: Component
name: <name>
version: v1
# Connection string for the Event Hub or the Event Hub namespace.
- name: connectionString
value: "Endpoint=sb://{EventHubNamespace};SharedAccessKeyName={PolicyName};SharedAccessKey={Key};EntityPath={EventHub}"
# The name of the Event Hubs Consumer Group to listen on.
- name: consumerID
value: "group1"
# Storage account name to use for the checkpoint store.
- name: storageAccountName
value: "myeventhubstorage"
# Storage container name.
- name: storageContainerName
value: "myeventhubstoragecontainer"
# Storage account key for the checkpoint store account. When using Azure AD, it is possible to omit this if the service principal has access to the storage account too. Property "storageAccountKey" is ignored when "storageConnectionString" is present (Optional)
#- name: storageAccountKey
# value: "112233445566778899"
# Connection string for the checkpoint store, alternative to specifying storageAccountKey. Property "storageAccountKey" is ignored when "storageConnectionString" is present (Optional)
#- name: storageConnectionString
# value: "BlobEndpoint=;..."

Authentication profiles

Available authentication profiles:

  • Connection string

  • Azure AD: Client credentials

  • Azure AD: Client certificate

Connection string

Authenticate using a connection string.


Required - Connection string for the Event Hub or the Event Hub namespace.

Example value: Endpoint=sb://{EventHubNamespace};SharedAccessKeyName={PolicyName};SharedAccessKey={Key};EntityPath={EventHub}

Azure AD: Client credentials

Authenticate using Azure AD with client credentials, also known as "service principals".


Required - Client ID (application ID)

Example value: c7dd251f-811f-4ba2-a905-acd4d3f8f08b


Required - Client secret (application password)

Example value: Ecy3XG7zVZK3/vl/a2NSB+a1zXLa8RnMum/IgD0E


Required - ID of the Azure AD tenant

Example value: cd4b2887-304c-47e1-b4d5-65447fdd542a

eventHubNamespace (string)

Required - The Event Hub Namespace name.

Example value: namespace


Optional name for the Azure environment if using a different Azure cloud

Default value: AzurePublicCloud

Example value: AzurePublicCloud

Allowed values:

  • AzurePublicCloud

  • AzureChinaCloud

  • AzureUSGovernmentCloud

enableEntityManagement (bool)

Allow management of the Event Hub namespace and storage account.

Default value: false

Example value: false

messageRetentionInDays (number)

Number of days to retain messages for in the newly created Event Hub namespace. Used only when entity management is enabled.

Default value: 1

Example value: 90

partitionCount (number)

Number of partitions for the new Event Hub namespace. Used only when entity management is enabled.

Default value: 1

Example value: 3

resourceGroupName (string)

Name of the resource group the Event Hub namespace is part of. Required when entity management is enabled.

Example value: test-rg

subscriptionId (string)

Azure subscription ID value. Required when entity management is enabled

Example value: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff

Azure AD: Client certificate

Authenticate using Azure AD with a client certificate. "azureCertificate" is required.


Required - Client ID (application ID)

Example value: c7dd251f-811f-4ba2-a905-acd4d3f8f08b


Required - ID of the Azure AD tenant

Example value: cd4b2887-304c-47e1-b4d5-65447fdd542a

eventHubNamespace (string)

Required - The Event Hub Namespace name.

Example value: namespace


Certificate and private key (in either a PEM file containing both the certificate and key, or in PFX/PKCS#12 format)

Example value:

-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n MIIEvgI... \n -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
\n -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- \n MIICoTC... \n -----END CERTIFICATE----- \n


Password for the certificate if encrypted.

Example value: password


Optional name for the Azure environment if using a different Azure cloud

Default value: AzurePublicCloud

Example value: AzurePublicCloud

Allowed values:

  • AzurePublicCloud

  • AzureChinaCloud

  • AzureUSGovernmentCloud

enableEntityManagement (bool)

Allow management of the Event Hub namespace and storage account.

Default value: false

Example value: false

messageRetentionInDays (number)

Number of days to retain messages for in the newly created Event Hub namespace. Used only when entity management is enabled.

Default value: 1

Example value: 90

partitionCount (number)

Number of partitions for the new Event Hub namespace. Used only when entity management is enabled.

Default value: 1

Example value: 3

resourceGroupName (string)

Name of the resource group the Event Hub namespace is part of. Required when entity management is enabled.

Example value: test-rg

subscriptionId (string)

Azure subscription ID value. Required when entity management is enabled

Example value: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff


consumerID (string)

Required - The name of the Event Hubs Consumer Group to listen on.

Example value: group1

storageAccountName (string)

Required - Storage account name to use for the checkpoint store.

Example value: myeventhubstorage

storageContainerName (string)

Required - Storage container name.

Example value: myeventhubstoragecontainer

storageAccountKey (string)

Storage account key for the checkpoint store account. When using Azure AD, it is possible to omit this if the service principal has access to the storage account too. Property "storageAccountKey" is ignored when "storageConnectionString" is present

Example value: 112233445566778899

storageConnectionString (string)

Connection string for the checkpoint store, alternative to specifying storageAccountKey. Property "storageAccountKey" is ignored when "storageConnectionString" is present

Example value: BlobEndpoint=;...