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Type: pubsub.rabbitmq

Status: stable



kind: Component
name: <name>
type: pubsub.rabbitmq
version: v1
# The RabbitMQ host address.
- name: connectionString
value: "amqp://[username][:password]@host.domain[:port] amqps://[username][:password]@host.domain[:port]"
# Whether or not the queue consumer should auto-ack messages. (Optional)
#- name: autoAck
# value: "false"
# The client/connection name. (Optional)
#- name: clientName
# value: "my_client_name"
# Allows processing multiple messages in parallel (limited by the app-max-concurrency annotation, if configured). Set to single to disable parallel processing. In most situations there's no reason to change this. (Optional)
#- name: concurrency
# value: "parallel"
# Set the consumer ID to control namespacing. Defaults to the app's ID. (Optional)
#- name: consumerID
# value: "{namespace}"
# Whether or not the queue should be configured to auto-delete. (Optional)
#- name: deletedWhenUnused
# value: "true"
# Persistence mode when publishing messages. RabbitMQ treats "2" as persistent, all other numbers as non-persistent. (Optional)
#- name: deliveryMode
# value: "0"
# Whether or not to use durable queues. (Optional)
#- name: durable
# value: "false"
# Enable forwarding messages that cannot be handled to a dead-letter topic. (Optional)
#- name: enableDeadLetter
# value: "false"
# Exchange kind of the rabbitmq exchange. (Optional)
#- name: exchangeKind
# value: "fanout"
# The heartbeat used for the connection. (Optional)
#- name: heartBeat
# value: "10s"
# The maximum number of messages of a queue and its dead letter queue (if dead letter enabled by `enableDeadLetter`). If both `maxLen` and `maxLenBytes` are set then both will apply; whichever limit is hit first will be enforced. (Optional)
#- name: maxLen
# value: "1000"
# Maximum length in bytes of a queue and its dead letter queue (if dead letter enabled by `enableDeadLetter`). If both `maxLen` and `maxLenBytes` are set then both will apply; whichever limit is hit first will be enforced. (Optional)
#- name: maxLenBytes
# value: "1048576"
# Number of messages to prefetch. Consider changing this to a non-zero value for production environments. The value of "0" means that all available messages will be pre-fetched. (Optional)
#- name: prefetchCount
# value: "0"
# If enabled, client waits for publisher confirmation after publishing a message. (Optional)
#- name: publisherConfirm
# value: "false"
# Reconnect wait in Seconds. (Optional)
#- name: reconnectWaitSeconds
# value: "3s"
# Whether or not to requeue when sending a negative acknowledgement in case of a failure. (Optional)
#- name: requeueInFailure
# value: "false"
# Default Queue TTL. (Optional)
#- name: ttlInSeconds
# value: "10"

Authentication profiles

Available authentication profiles:

  • Connection string

  • Authenticate Using RabbitMQ properties

  • Authenticate Using Connection string and External Sasl and TLS

Connection string

Authenticate using a connection string.


Required - The RabbitMQ host address.

Example value: amqp://[username][:password]@host.domain[:port] amqps://[username][:password]@host.domain[:port]

Authenticate Using RabbitMQ properties

RabbitMQ authentication by providing hostname, username and password.

hostname (string)

The RabbitMQ hostname.

Example value:

password (string)

The RabbitMQ password.

Example value: password

protocol (string)

The RabbitMQ protocol.

Example value: amqp, amqps

username (string)

The RabbitMQ username.

Example value: username

Authenticate Using Connection string and External Sasl and TLS

Authenticate using a connection string along with Exteranl Sasl and TLS.

caCert (string)

Required - Certificate authority certificate, required for using TLS.

Example value:

<base64-encoded DER>

clientCert (string)

Required - Client certificate, Required for using TLS.

Example value:

<base64-encoded DER>

clientKey (string)

Required - Client key, required for using TLS.

Example value:

<base64-encoded DER>


Required - The RabbitMQ host address.

Example value: amqp://[username][:password]@host.domain[:port] amqps://[username][:password]@host.domain[:port]

saslExternal (bool)

With TLS, should the username be taken from an additional field (e.g. CN.) See RabbitMQ Authentication Mechanisms.

Default value: false

Example value: true

RabbitMQ Authentication Mechanisms:


autoAck (bool)

Whether or not the queue consumer should auto-ack messages.

Default value: false

Example value: true, false

clientName (string)

The client/connection name.

Example value: my_client_name

concurrency (string)

Allows processing multiple messages in parallel (limited by the app-max-concurrency annotation, if configured). Set to single to disable parallel processing. In most situations there's no reason to change this.

Default value: parallel

Example value: parallel, single

Allowed values:

  • parallel

  • single

consumerID (string)

Set the consumer ID to control namespacing. Defaults to the app's ID.

Example value: {namespace}


deletedWhenUnused (bool)

Whether or not the queue should be configured to auto-delete.

Default value: true

Example value: true, false

deliveryMode (number)

Persistence mode when publishing messages. RabbitMQ treats "2" as persistent, all other numbers as non-persistent.

Default value: 0

Example value: 2

durable (bool)

Whether or not to use durable queues.

Default value: false

Example value: true, false

enableDeadLetter (bool)

Enable forwarding messages that cannot be handled to a dead-letter topic.

Default value: false

Example value: true, false

exchangeKind (string)

Exchange kind of the rabbitmq exchange.

Default value: fanout

Example value: fanout,topic

Allowed values:

  • fanout

  • topic

heartBeat (duration)

The heartbeat used for the connection.

Default value: 10s

Example value: 30s

maxLen (number)

The maximum number of messages of a queue and its dead letter queue (if dead letter enabled by enableDeadLetter). If both maxLen and maxLenBytes are set then both will apply; whichever limit is hit first will be enforced.

Example value: 1000

maxLenBytes (number)

Maximum length in bytes of a queue and its dead letter queue (if dead letter enabled by enableDeadLetter). If both maxLen and maxLenBytes are set then both will apply; whichever limit is hit first will be enforced.

Example value: 1048576

prefetchCount (number)

Number of messages to prefetch. Consider changing this to a non-zero value for production environments. The value of "0" means that all available messages will be pre-fetched.

Default value: 0

Example value: 2

publisherConfirm (bool)

If enabled, client waits for publisher confirmation after publishing a message.

Default value: false

Example value: true, false

reconnectWaitSeconds (duration)

Reconnect wait in Seconds.

Default value: 3s

Example value: 10s

requeueInFailure (bool)

Whether or not to requeue when sending a negative acknowledgement in case of a failure.

Default value: false

Example value: true, false

ttlInSeconds (duration)

Default Queue TTL.

Example value: 10