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Plans and Limits

Conductor provides two plan types based to accomodate individuals and teams developing with Dapr. The plan you choose determines the features, capabilities, and limits of your Dapr Kubernetes cluster connections. This page guides you through the available plan offerings and their associated quotas and limits.

Plan offerings

  • Conductor Free: This plan is designed for individual developers working on small-scale Dapr applications within a Kubernetes environment. It offers a basic set of features suitable for development and testing.
  • Conductor Enterprise: Aimed at organizations and teams managing and operating Dapr applications in a production environments. The Enterprise plan includes the features of the Free plan, with more advanced operations functionality and higher, adjustable limits to support organizational needs.

For individual experimentation and early development, start with the Free plan. For teams looking to run Dapr in a production environment, start with the Enterprise trial. Should you require assistance in selecting the appropriate plan or need a pricing quote, reach out to us at

Feature comparison and limits

The table below is a comparison of features and limits between the Conductor plans.

Free PlanEnterprise TrialEnterprise PlanDetails
PricingFreeFree for 30 daysCapacity basedSee pricing page for details.
Plan DurationUnlimited30 daysYearly contract
Maximum Clusters Allowed11UnlimitedRepresents the number of connected Dapr Kubernetes clusters.
Users Limit15UnlimitedFree plan doesn't include RBAC for users.
API Keys Allowed010UnlimitedAPI keys are required for Kubernetes operator, non-interactive CLI, and querying Metrics API.
Single Sign-OnNot AvailableNot AvailableAvailableCan be included as part of the contract.
Architecture ConsultationsNot AvailableNot AvailableAvailableCan be included as part of the contract.
Dapr OSS SupportCommunityCommunityAvailableCan be included as part of the contract. See support page for details.
Conductor SupportCommunityEnterprise Support1-hour response timeSee support page for details.
Maximum Applications (per cluster)20100250 1An application represents an app and its associated Dapr sidecar running on a Kubernetes cluster. See below for details on how this is counted.
Actor Types (per cluster)2010001000 1
Components (per cluster)2010001000 1
Configurations (per cluster)2010001000 1
Subscriptions (per cluster)2010001000 1Does not include programmatic subscriptions.
Resiliency Policies (per cluster)2010001000 1
Metric Series10K1M10M 2Latency metrics are not included in the Free Plan.
Alert RulesDefault rules only100 custom rules100 custom rules 2Custom rules not included in Free Plan.
Alert Channels1520 2Webhook and email channels not included in Free Plan.
Data RetentionFor data collected see page
Metrics12 hours7 days7 days
Alert Notifications12 hours7 days7 daysIncludes logs, metrics, and advisory alert notifications.
Audit LogsNot Available30 days3 months
Unique Log Entries (per hour)20200500 2Represents the rate at which unique log entries are ingested and displayed in Conductor.
Unique Metrics (per hour)10K1M10M 2Represents the rate at which metrics are ingested and displayed in Conductor.
HTTP API requests/min per IP303060Represents the rate of requests to Conductor Console API
GRPC API requests/min per IP303060Represents the rate of requests from Conductor agent to Conductor API
Metrics API requests/min per IP303060Represents the rate of requests to Metrics API from Conductor Console or 3rd party monitoring tool
Logs API requests/min per IP303060Represents the rate of requests to Log API used by Conductor Console and Conductor agent.

Unless stated otherwise, all limits are enforced at the organization level.

1 Limits are set according to your enterprise plan contract.

2 For Conductor Enterprise, limits can be increased upon request. Contact for details.

Limits FAQs

Q: What is the feature difference between Conductor plans?

For information on the feature for each Conductor plan, refer to the Conductor documentation.

Q: How are application limits determined and enforced?

Applications exceeding the specified limits are not monitored or managed by Conductor. Selection is based on alphabetical order of annotation, with the top applications within the plan's limit being chosen. This approach is similarly applied to Dapr resources and metrics associated with the selected applications.

Resources exceeding these limits are not tracked by Conductor. Note that while application replicas don't count towards limits, they do contribute to metric limits, as each replica generates unique metrics and logs.

Q: How are metrics limits calculated and enforced?

Metrics limits are set at an organizational level, encompassing metric series across all clusters, control plane, and applications. Conductor prioritizes metrics from the control plane and the applications it manages. Metrics exceeding the set limits are not recorded or included in Conductor datasets. This may result in missing data points or outdated metrics graphs.

Q: How can the number of metrics be reduced?

The volume of metrics generated by a Dapr cluster varies based on the number of applications, the features utilized, and the Dapr configuration. Adjusting Dapr to a lower metric cardinality, as outlined in the Dapr documentation, can help in reducing metric reporting.

Q: How are networking limits enforced?

Networking limits control the amount of data transmitted or requested within a specific time period. When these limits are exceeded, network requests are rejected. This can lead to a degraded user experience, resulting in outdated metrics views or a lack of data. Managing these limits effectively is essential to avoid such issues and maintaining a continuous data flow.

Q: What is the effect of connecting a Dapr Kubernetes cluster running more applications than my plan limits allow?

Conductor will manage applications and resources within the established limits and ignore the excess workloads and resources. Exceeding these limits in terms of metrics and networking can lead to a degraded user experience. In such situations, it's recommended to upgrade to the Enterprise plan, which offers customizable limits. To increase quotas in the Conductor Enterprise plan contact

Q: What happens when the Conductor Enterprise trial period ends?

Following the conclusion of the trial period, a 7-day grace period is granted for data retention. After this period, all data, including the organization and user account, is permanently deleted. Subsequently, you have the option to sign up for the Free plan.