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diagrid advisories list

List cluster advisories


List the advisories for an existing cluster, filter by impact level, and optionally determine the exit code if any advisories are detected.

diagrid advisories list <clusterId> [flags]


# List the advisories with medium and high impact for an existing cluster
diagrid advisories list <clusterId> --impact medium,high

# List the high impact advisories and exit with status code 1 if any are detected
diagrid advisories list <clusterId> --exit-code 1 --impact high


      --api-key string    Diagrid Cloud API key
-c, --category string one or more of the following filters separated by commas: "security", "reliability", "performance", "observability (e.g. --category security,reliability)
--debug Enable debug mode
-e, --exit-code int specify exit code when any advisories are found or use with the impact flag for certain advisories (e.g. --exit-code 1 --impact high)
-h, --help help for list
-i, --impact string one or more of the following filters separated by commas: "low", "medium", "high" (e.g. --impact medium,high)
-o, --output string Output format, supported [table, yaml, json] (default "table")
-s, --status string one or more of the following filters separated by commas: "firing", "resolved", "dismissed" (e.g. --status resolved,dismissed)