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diagrid operator manifests

Print Conductor operator manifest file


Print the Kubernetes manifests for deploying the Conductor operator

diagrid operator manifests [flags]


# Generate operator manifests including an auto-generated API Key
diagrid conductor operator manifests --generate-api-key

# Generate operator manifests providing a custom API Key
diagrid conductor operator manifests --api-key <my-api-key>

# Generate operator manifests setting resource requests and limits, node selector and tolerations
diagrid conductor operator manifests --resource-limits cpu=300m,memory=500Mi --resource-requests cpu=100m,memory=200Mi -n my-node-label=test,other=test2 -t key=autoscaled,operator=Equal,value=true,effect=NoSchedule -t key=type,operator=Equal,value=highmem,effect=NoSchedule


      --additional-ca-certs-path string   Additional CA certificates PEM file path for the cluster. This file will be added to the system CA certs folder on the container.
--api-key string Diagrid Cloud API key
--generate-api-key Automatically generate the API Key for the operator
-h, --help help for manifests
--http-proxy string URL of your http proxy server for the cluster
--https-proxy string URL of your https proxy server for the cluster
--kubernetes-distro string Kubernetes distribution of target cluster (eks, aks, gke, openshift, local, native) (default "native")
--kubernetes-version string Kubernetes version of target cluster (default "1.24.2")
-l, --labels string Kubernetes labels for the operator deployment (e.g. -l env=test,other=test2 )
--no-proxy string Comma separated list of URL to not send through the proxy
-n, --node-selector string Kubernetes node selector for the operator deployment (e.g. -n my-node-label=test,other=test2 )
--platform string OS platform of target cluster (default "linux/amd64")
--resource-limits string Kubernetes resource limits for the operator deployment (e.g. --resource-limits cpu=300m,memory=500Mi )
--resource-requests string Kubernetes resource requests for the operator deployment (e.g. --resource-requests cpu=100m,memory=200Mi )
-t, --tolerations stringArray Kubernetes tolerations for the operator deployment (e.g. -t key=autoscaled,operator=Equal,value=true,effect=NoSchedule -t key=type,operator=Equal,value=highmem,effect=NoSchedule )