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diagrid product use

Define the default product to use

diagrid product use <catalyst|conductor> [--org=org-name|--org=org-id|--org-prompt] [flags]


# Set default product to be Conductor
diagrid product use conductor

# Set default product to be Catalyst
diagrid product use catalyst

# Set default product to be Conductor on a specific Org
diagrid product use conductor --org my-org-name

# Set default product to be Catalyst on a specific Org by using an Interactive Prompt
diagrid product use catalyst --org-prompt


      --api-key string   Diagrid Cloud API key
--debug Enable debug mode
-h, --help help for use
--org string Org ID or Name to use for the product
--org-prompt Select product organization using an interactive prompt
-o, --output string Output format, supported [table, yaml, json] (default "table")


  • diagrid product - Switch the current user's product [catalyst, conductor]